Tuesday, December 20, 2011

So this is blogging...

So here we are. Blogging. I'm a blogger now. I blog therefore I am. And the Enigmatic Mr wu said let there be blog, and there was blog and it was good. He hoped so anyways.
Ok, enough of that.
I started this as a place to put some ideas I had about writing from a readers perspective. These are things I've thought over the years about what makes a good story. I've tried to figure out what it is about some stories that makes me come back again and again til I know some of the parts by heart, and what it is about others that can make me unwilling to give the writer another minute.
The internet has changed things. Anybody can write. Everybody can write. The internet is vast and unruly. What you have written will find a home somewhere and flame wars will scorch the earth in your name. Its a sad fact of writing, that much of your audience will not be very discerning. They just want to be entertained; distracted from their lives a little. You will get the "Good story. Write more." from somebody no matter what you write. A good writer who is serious about his craft knows that being liked is not the same as being good. People like Jersey Shore".
Writing will take up a fair chunk of your life. What's more , every thing you write will put a peice of you out there for the world to see. You should endeavor to be Good.

More to follow.